Friday, December 08, 2006

This is what you get, when you mess with us...

The other evening, I went to the Jamaican Eating House on Cowley Rd, to enjoy a few post-pub cans of Red Stripe lager with Seb, George and Sam...Every time I've been there, the landlord has decided to take exception to somebody (actually, that's always someone that's with me...), and this particular trip was no different to any other time. He decided he'd throw a strop because one of us was touching the fairy lights around the window. Hardly the antics you'd witness on 'Booze Britain', or 'Street Crime UK'...

Once I saw him go nuts because a guy removed a stinky ashtray away from his girlfriend and placed it on another table. Another time he flipped because someone held the door open for too long (in the summer!!), and yet another time he practically shit his pants because someone took a photo of their friends whilst birthday celebrations were being had. I mean, what is this dude's problem??? As if that's not anti-social enough, I have heard (through reliable sources), that he once almost puked from shouting at someone because they said 'thanks, dude', after they'd just bought a can from him...

Anyway, back to the original story.

After finishing my beer I decided to use the toilet before the walk home, and stumbled upon what can only be described as partially-digested, thrown-up chicken kebab, in the hand basin of the ladies toilet. Now I don't know who did it, or why they didn't use the toilet 1m to the right. I don't even know that it was a chicken kebab, I'd just like to think that some brave post-pub boozer had been pushed too far...

You know, over the edge...

I'd like to think they were pushed so far, that all they could do was puke in his sink...

Having said all that, it is the only place on the Cowley Rd open late that you probably wont ever see any stray townie scum in...and for that, we should all be grateful.


Mr Axl said...

Hmmm, interesting. Is this blog empty for a reason? Is it to show how, especially at this time of year, we have become obsessed with rampant consumerism, leaving the values of old behind us, stepping into a new moralless age? Is it a piece of political comentary, showing how as elections become mere popularity contests, the media becomes a push for instant gratification, and television becomes ever more manipulating, all scapegoating whoever gets in the way of them, "anyone who dissagrees is against us", all conspiring to make us a nation, nay, a planet of mere puppets, voiceless, opinionless shells, all helping to contribute to the dumbing down of our core values, instead addicted to the quick fix? Is it a comment on how our education system is failing the young, breeding them not to be fit for the real world, but instead to be questionless, knowledgeless and easily manipulatable by the new world order? Is it to illustrate how the general dumbing down of the entertainment industry is teaching us to simply sit down and shut up?
Or did you just cock this blog up Paul, due to being really drunk or something?

Paul said...

Ha...I was kind of dicking around with my blog the other day...Must've accidentally posted the best blog I'll ever write, by not writing anything in a kind of post-post-modern way...

han said...

errrrrrrrrrrrr!!! i liked this post better when it didn't work properly

Mr Axl said...

I've known him to shout at someone who called him dude aswell! Must be a recurring problem. Why is he such a dick? that vom looks like squid.