Sunday, November 26, 2006

The final countdown...

Not really much to discuss, but I just had to share my excitement at being in the final 4 weeks of my undergraduate degree...After 3 whole years of deadlines, exams, and missing lectures, I'll soon be able to sit back, relax, and CHILL THE FUCK OUT.

Despite calls from close relatives to have 'some sort of plan' for the next few years (by that they clearly mean 'get a job'), I think that I've deserved to work as little as possible throughout 2007. Aside from the part-time work I currently do, I'm going to concentrate much more time to my arabic lessons, and also more time to the Star Royale...(If that's possible).

Also, for those of you that live in the distant corners of the land, I'll have plenty of time on my hands to come visit and play...

24 days and counting...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Haway the lads...(Can't do the accent)

For those of you that don't already know, Lex and I travelled up to Newcastle last Thursday to visit Emma (before she forgets who we all are, and the broad Geordie accent kicks in). Although our visit was brief, we both had a totally assome time...

We went out boozing (and introduced to Cherry beer by Ian), met her new housemates (Woke them up when we got back to Emma's house drunk), walked around Newcastle town centre, (nice) and discovered the most decadent Weatherspoons pub ever, full stop.

Places I recommend...

The following places seemed pretty good for boozing in:

The Head of Steam was literally the first point of call as soon as we got off the bus. It served booze 'til1am, and there was a particularly hot girl behind the bar...Music was good, and I couldn't help but feel that this was a home away from home (the Star).

The Tyne was where we all went on the second night (and where I got hooked on Cherry beer), it's a bit out of the way (from what I remember it was in the middle of an industrial estate), but the jukebox was free (Emma put on the Futureheads). Oh, and the hand dryer in the gents toilet emits sparks when you dry your hands...

The Cluny (owned, I think by the Head of Steam people...) A live music venue, a bar, and that awesome Cherry beer again (in halfs, or in bottles)...Need I say more?

This is the age of the train...(or the megabus)

One word of warning though. If you plan on visiting Emma (or anyone else for that matter) on the train and you book your tickets online, make sure that you turn up at the station in time to catch the train you booked yourself on. (Just like we didn't)

If you miss it...They wont let you on another, unless you buy a new ticket. (If you're interested, our original ticket to Newcastle was £15, the ticket that the morons at Oxford station wanted us to buy was £78!) Instead, we had to catch a coach to London, and then go to Newcastle on the lifesaving but arsenumbingly long megabus journey. In the end, our journey from Oxford to Newcastle took 9 1/2 hours, rather than the 5 hours, if we'd not missed the train.

Anyway, go visit Emma, meet her friends, and drink all the damned Cherry beer you can get your hands on. Whatever you do, don't try to mimic the accent.